Sundridge Bite Alarms
When it was first released on the market in the 1980s the Optonic bite alarm took the angling world by storm. The first alarm to be sold on the general market since the Heron, over 30 years earlier, the Optonic represented a huge leap forward in bite alarm technology and was the first compact bite alarm of its kind. From the day it was released, a huge battle of the bite alarms ensued. Company after company sought to better the alarm – many offering their own conversions on the Optonic in an attempt to undercut sales.
Despite challenges from the likes of Delkim, the Sundridge Optonic still remains one of the most popular bite alarms to date. Although the alarms you see today are a far cry from the originals, many of the original features that made the Optonic so special and well loved – such the speaker system and ultra-sensitivity – are still key elements of the Optonics of today.
Sundridge now sells a variety of Optonics, all with great success. With patented run length detection technology, Sundridge’s bite alarms are some of the most sophisticated bits of kit on the market today. Offering multi-sets of the bite alarms at incredible prices, the brand is able to please those anglers who like uniformity in their alarm systems. These multi-sets also eliminate the problem of multiple receivers – with just one type of alarm you only need to worry about a single receiver.
One of the most reliable outfits out there, the Sundridge alarm continues to dominate the market. As protective clothing experts, the brand is able to ensure that the products it produces are able to stand up to the elements, making this bite alarm series among the most durable out there – no longer do you have to worry about a hard frost damaging your kit beyond repair!