aka Limanda limanda
Dab have both its eyes on one side of its body, similar to plaice and flounder but its skin is rough and there is a noticeable curve to the lateral line. The fish is a native to shallow seas around Northern Europe and can be found frequently in the North Sea on the sandy bottoms. Dab can be idenditifed by its sandy brown in colour with light orange, black or dark brown spots and a white/bluey underside.
Due to their sensitivity to anthropogenic environmental changes, dab show a high rate of malformations such as skeletal deformities, ulcers and liver changes.
Shallow waters, on sandy bottoms and up to a depth of 100m.
Worms, strips of fish, crustaceans & mollusks.
Native or Invasive
Common around the UK and Ireland, but mostly found in the North Sea extending to Scandinavian waters.
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