Whether you choose to use this 8.7m pole exclusively for challenging tactics in the margins, or as a spare pole if one of your children decides they want to try their hand at fishing, you'll find it comfortable, strong, and reliable, with an easy to use appeal that offers something for anglers at any stage in their match fishing career.
Fully compatible with MAP's TKS 401 and 501 full length poles, this 8.7m option gives you the flexibility to add in sections for a completely custom pole that's crafted around your angling needs, and geared to the venue and conditions you find yourself facing on the day.
A unique section alignment system, reinforced joints, and depth markers on all sections come together to give you a practical little pole that's designed to enhance any angling session, whether you need to grab an edge in a tournament situation, or you're simply looking for a way to improve your performance and enjoyment in pleasure fishing.
Rated for 20 elastic, this pole package includes the MAP TKS M10 Margin 8.7m pole, 1 pre-bushed depth marker V1 power kit, which is fitted as standard, and an extra depth marker V1 pre-bushed power kit, as well as a clear pole tube and deluxe pole bag, which offers protection to your pole and top kits in storage and in transit, ensuring they arrive at your venue in the best possible condition, ready to deliver results. All top kits are pre-bushed as standard, and feature MAP side pullers for an extra edge in the water.
Finished with anti-friction coating for smooth handling, this is a smartly subtle pole that will appeal to any keen match angler, and anyone who may want to use a pole in their fishing. Margin fishing offers a productive way to appeal to larger, more cautious carp, who often prefer to stay out of the main action on pressured commercial venues, and is a good way for novice and junior anglers to get the hang of pole fishing.