Rive Super Carp Keepnet
If you’re an angler who likes to target large carp when you’re pole fishing, whether that is in a match situation or your pleasure fishing, then you’re going to need an appropriate keepnet. Keepnets are vital for retaining fish for weighing, particularly in match fishing scenarios when everything you catch gets weighed at the end rather than as you go along, so having the appropriate netting facilities in order to keep your fish safe and secure for anything up to 6 hours is essential. After all, no angler wants to return a fish to the water in any worse condition than they retrieved it. It is only by looking after the fish in our temporary possession that they are going to be able to thrive and grow, so owing an adequate keepnet is vital for the fish to continue to thrive. This is why Rive has worked hard to create this: the Super Carp Keepnet.
Super by name, super by nature, this is one keepnet that really does the job on the bank. A whole 3m in length, this keepnet has a 50cm by 40cm opening in order to house the very largest of match carp. It is worth remembering, too, that Rive is a French brand, so all the tackle the brand produces has been designed with continental angling in mind. In short, this net can more than comfortably hold the kind of carp that you’d expect to catch in the UK’s match fishing waters. The wide opening ensures that you can comfortably slide the carp in without causing them any damage on the rim of the net. What’s more, this net has extra wide ring spaces down its 3m length, ensuring that the carp aren’t going to cause themselves any damage on the net as they swim around.
This isn’t the only element of the net which has been designed with fish care in mind and the brand is committed to manufacturing tackle that is not only practical but also caring. The mesh of the Rive Super Carp Keepnet is the perfect example of this. Not only does this mesh offer the kind of ultra-durability that you would have grown accustomed to as a loyal Rive customer, but it is also ultra-fine, too. This is because the brand understands fish and it knows that a carp can easily cause itself damage to its delicate scales and fins. The ultra-fine mesh ensures that you’re at the least risk possible of causing the carp accidental damage, allowing you to return it to its home in the same condition in which you removed it.
If you’re a match angler who already owns a keepnet, you might be wondering why you need to invest in an additional net to hold your carp. When you mix small silver fish with larger species, such as carp, you run the risk of the carp squashing and crushing the smaller fish in the net – even if you’re storing your silver fish in a large carp net. Many match fishing venues enforce a two net policy exactly for this reason. After all, nothing can be worse than landing an unexpected large carp during a match, only to have to return it due to the fact that you haven’t got an appropriate retaining facility. This is why having the Rive Super Carp Keepnet in your tackle arsenal is completely essential, even if you’re not necessarily intending on fishing for carp during your match fishing. Like they say, it always pays to be prepared and the carp you retain in this net could be your match winning capture.