Dogfish|Fish Species Guide | Angling Direct



aka Scyliorhinus canicula

Also referred to as lesser-spotted dogfish or rockfish, they have a shark-like appearance, this seabed scavenger has no rays or spines but prominent gill slits. Dogfish tend to be found in the North Atlantic, Mediterranean, coasts of northern Africa, and in Scandinavian waters. They are common all around the UK coast and some of Europe, on the south and west coasts. It is also found throughout the With a blunt shaped head and a long, slender body, dogfish are covered in dark brown spots over a grey-brown skin and light grey belly.


To detect their prey's electric field, these dogfish sharks are equipped with an organ called 'Ampullae of Lorenzini. They have a very good sense of smell as two-thirds of their brain is devoted to it.




Found on sandy seabeds in shallow waters, no deeper than 50m.



Worms, fish, prawns, shellfish & strip of fresh mackerel, herring or pilchard.

Fishing Tackle

Fishing Tackle

Native or Invasive

Native or Invasive




Shallow UK waters on the south and western coastlines, throughout the Mediterranean, and in Scandinavian waters.

Catch Experience Catch Experience

Don't let these fish wrap their bodies around unprotected arms since their skin is very rough, like sandpaper. Wear a leather glove or gauntlet for protection. Dogfish will bite day or night all year round but these fish occasionally take one bait and – hook in mouth – swim over to another bait and take that too! This means they can end up on more than one angler's line. Disgorgers make unhooking these fish easy and quick, so make sure you have a powerful set on hand to catch them. The correct way to immobilize the dogfish is to hold it behind the head and bring the tail up to meet it. You will not harm the fish by holding it in this way because it has a cartilage skeleton. When returning the fish to the sea, this is the best way to do so.


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