Rive D36 Large 2 Points Feeder Arm
Fishing using the feeder method – whether that’s an open feeder, a cage feeder, or a method feeder – can be one of the most rewarding ways of catching those grubbing species who trawl the water beds for their food. Allowing you the opportunity to perfectly present your hook and hookbait in and amongst a cloud of groundbait, pellets, or particles, feeder fishing can yield huge catches quickly. This makes it the perfect course of attack for the competitive match anglers, as well as making it a very rewarding method for the general coarse fishing fan. If you’re fishing with a feeder rod from a seat box, however, you can often be left at a loss for where to rest your tool. Balancing it on just any old piece of gear is a recipe for disaster – or at the very least a lost fish and damaged rod. This is why you need a top quality feeder arm that allows you to perfectly position your rod whilst simultaneously providing you with a stable and secure base on which to stand your tool whilst you make other adjustments on the bank.
If you find yourself faced with the above situation then Rive’s D36 Large Two Points Feeder Arm is the perfect tool for you. It has been designed by the French seat box experts, who have been in the matching fishing business since the 1980s. Rive is a company which has built its reputation on top quality bankside solutions for the modern and discerning match angler and this feeder arm in no different. Deceptively simple in design, this feeder arm opens up a wealth of on-bank opportunities for the match angler and it allows you to respond to the slightest change in circumstances with complete confidence.
The first thing you’ll notice about this arm is that is boasts two fixing points. This is something that cannot be taken for granted and the Rive team were staggered when they realised that the vast majority of feeder arms still only offered one point of attachment. It goes without saying that dual fixing points offer much greater levels of stability than single fixing points, ensuring that your rod remains in the perfect position in the water at all times. Regardless of weather conditions or an aggressive take, you can be confident that your rod isn’t going to be buffeted around. What’s more, this also reduces the risks of false positives, ensuring that you’re only responding to genuine takes and not simply being taken in by the wind or a strong current.
The next thing you’ll notice about the Rive D36 Large Two Points Feeder Arm is its telescopic quality. This is the large size in the Rive Feeder Arm range, which means that is can be extended between 55cm and 105cm. This is ideal for both the angler who likes to target water in the nearside margin, as well as the angler who likes to aim for features slightly further afield. What’s more, this isn’t the only adjustable feature on the feeder arm. It also has an agle adjustment feature, which is operated by a sliding system. This allows you to kick your rod high up into the air, angle it low to the water, or anything in between. The angle adjustment is an absolutely essential feature, as it allows you to target a huge range of waters with complete confidence.
As the name suggests, this Rive D36 Large Two Points Feeder Arm is perfectly compatible with any of the seat boxes in the D36 range. The tip of this feeder arm also has a threaded hole, ensuring it is also compatible with a huge range of rod rests, too.