Earlier in the week, we shared some of our favourite park lake venues, we now wish to share 6 top tips for fishing parks lakes, as our second instalment of Love Park Week.
Follow the Rules / Out of Bounds / Don’t Obstruct Pathways
It may not be obvious at first but there will be a sign somewhere on the venue, depicting the rules and recommendations for the water. These rules will state things like whether you are allowed micro-barbed hooks etc, its important to pay close attention to these regulations.
Other rules may include an out of bounds area that you are not allowed to fish, these areas provide sanctuary for the fish and birdlife.
Another important rule to keep in the back of your mind is to not obstruct pathways, the park is there for everyone to use and is not exclusively a fishing venue.
Travel Light
Park Lakes can be vast and, just like any other lake, park lakes are subject to certain swims being quiet and others being productive as conditions change, the productivity of the lake will too. If you travel light there is always the potential for a move to another swim, something that is easier to do if you pack light.
Bailiff/Local Knowledge
The stocking of park lakes can be undocumented and in some cases a complete unknown, if there is one person that is likely to be able to advise you, it will the bailiff, he or she will naturally have the best knowledge of the water.
Exploit feeding spots
Park lakes are home to plenty of birdlife, meaning there will likely be a spot where people ‘feed the ducks’ this areas are natural holding areas for carp, the bread etc that the birdlife do not eat falls to the lake bed for the carp to hoover up. Fishing these areas can be really productive, especially in the colder months, keep this in mind.
Fish for a Bite
Park lakes have a natural food sources plus the input of bread etc from humans, with this is mind you should fish for a bite, you don’t need to get the spod out. This also means you won’t have to spend as much on bait!
Bear in mind most park lakes will house a large shoal of bream, so sticking to bigger baits to avoid hooking a bream is probably a good idea if you’re targeting carp.
Go with a Mate
There are several reasons you should go with a mate; for a start, toilets are unlikely to be ‘on site’ you may need to walk a fair way towards shops etc before reaching a toilet, having someone to watch your tackle is important.
Urban parks are generally pleasant places but can be areas where tackle is stolen! Having an extra pair of eyes can be handy.