Official Industry Guidance

  1. Anglers Against Pollution - Why We Need to Help Now!

    Anglers Against Pollution - Why We Need to Help Now!


    Pollution in our rivers is an evergrowing problem with only 14% of UK water bodies currently in a good ecological condition. This is a direct result of the ever increasing amount of raw sewage being pumped into our rivers, with water companies in

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  2. Vote For A Fishing Future! - Angling Trust 2024 General Election Manifesto

    Vote For A Fishing Future! - Angling Trust 2024 General Election Manifesto


    With election day finally here and after several weeks with all the major political parties out on the road lobbying for votes. The fishing governing body, the Angling Trust has issued a challenge to all the major political parties vying for the

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  3. Fishing For Kids: How Angling Improves Youth Mental Health

    Fishing For Kids: How Angling Improves Youth Mental Health


    In a world where youth mental health is increasingly under scrutiny, exploring alternative approaches to alleviate stress and anxiety becomes crucial. This article delves into the therapeutic benefits of fishing for children, shedding light on how

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  4. Angling and Rivers: 4 Eco-Conscious Campaigns to Support

    Angling and Rivers: 4 Eco-Conscious Campaigns to Support


    As anglers, we have a deep connection to the rivers and waterways that provide us with joy, relaxation, and a sense of adventure. At Angling Direct, we recognise that anglers are not just passionate about catching fish but also about protecting the

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  5. National Fishing Month is BACK for 2022 - Get EVERYONE Fishing

    National Fishing Month is BACK for 2022 - Get EVERYONE Fishing


    1st August marks the start of National Fishing Month and we could not be more excited to see more anglers join the sport! National Fishing Month offers unique opportunities for the protection and promotion of angling, encouraging those that have

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  6. Fishing has now been prescribed by the NHS to treat Anxiety & Depression in the UK

    Fishing has now been prescribed by the NHS to treat Anxiety & Depression in the UK


    Here at Angling Direct, we could not be happier with the recognition of the benefits angling has on mental health. Fishing is not only a pastime but a way of life for many people and its benefits to achieving a healthy body and mind can now be used

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  7. Angling Trust’s Anglers Against Pollution Campaign

    Angling Trust’s Anglers Against Pollution Campaign


    A recent WWF Living Planet Report estimated an 84% loss in freshwater biodiversity. Along with climate change, the pollution in rivers, lakes and estuaries is having a catastrophic effect on plants and wildlife – and the biggest threat is in

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  8. Angling Trust Release Updates on Upcoming Changes to Fishing in England

    Angling Trust Release Updates on Upcoming Changes to Fishing in England


    It is the news we have all been waiting for! On the evening of 16 March 2021, Angling Trust stated that after “intense discussions with government officials” they could confirm that all forms of angling including night fishing, charter boat

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  9. Angling Trust's Fishing Out of Lockdown Appeal

    Angling Trust's Fishing Out of Lockdown Appeal


    Angling Trust has submitted a case to the DCMS and the Cabinet Office for the removal of the current travel restrictions for angling and a resumption in match and night fishing when the lockdown is eased. VIEW UPDATES ON ANGLING TRUST'S

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  10. EU Bait Export is Currently on Hold Due to UK-EU Trade Agreement Complications

    EU Bait Export is Currently on Hold Due to UK-EU Trade Agreement Complications


    We would like to explain and clarify issues regarding the bait situation to all our European customers. Angling Direct is currently unable to sell or ship bait outside of the UK due to UK-EU Trade discussions surrounding issues with a European

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Items 1 to 10 of 12 total

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